1. Add items to your wish list

Start by creating items in the first list on the page:


Use the “New” dropdown and select the “New Wish List Item” template. Alternatively, just create a blank page and pull in the template with the quick action inside the empty page.

You’ll want to make sure you fill out the following Properties:

  1. Give the item a name (and an icon)
  2. Add the cost and a link
  3. Choose whether it’s something you want or need via the “Requirements” property
  4. The template will automatically set the status to “Wishlist”

<aside> 👉 Adding the template will also add content into the page itself. You don’t have to complete all of this now when creating an item. Just leave it blank and come back to it in the next section


You can manually re-order your wish list, or modify the view to sort automatically by whatever criteria you want. This helps to keep things in order of what you’re considering as a priority.

2. Consider items carefully